Ready. Set. Stay alive. #01

And we're off.

For the first issue of our weekly newsletter, it would only be right to share my personal story and the basis for my longevity journey, quest for extending the best years of my life, and desire to share my findings and learnings with the broader community.

With the birth of my son a year ago, and the passing of my early 30s (RIP 🪦), I became acutely aware over the past year of how fast life was moving, and how quickly I was approaching the age at which my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, and ultimately passed at a young age.

It's a strange feeling crossing the chasm where for all of your life you felt a significant distance from that age, and then all at once, you can feel the strings of mortality pulling at your every being, reminding you that you are not special and your world can change (or end) in an instant.

My mother died when I was 10. She was 47, and raised 3 boys under the age of 16, some of the years by herself as my parents were separated. She worked until that final week where she was simply too tired to go to work.

And then that Friday afternoon, it was the end.

It certainly shaped everything about who I am today.

My independence. My awareness.

My lack of interest in religion and any sort of belief that one has to succumb to a predetermined plan without control of one's path.

To each his own, but frankly, I have little faith that anything was "meant to be" and we DO have the power to steer ourselves in certain directions that impact the outcome of our lives. Of course I am not ignorant to biology.

Life can be, and is cruel, to many suffering from debilitating diseases.

Some people get the shit short end of the stick. But if we can understand the underlying causes of avoidable ailments or diseases, and do everything in our power to alter the direction of our health before it gets too late, isn't that worth our time?

It's enough for me. The scientific and medical breakthroughs we see in all fields give me eternal optimism for longevity science and holistic anti-aging practices that we all can implement in our daily lives.

Join me on this long and rewarding journey towards the healthiest years of our lives.
